Austrian Extreme Bike Race

2500 km & 52 000 vm

800km 18 000 vm




Start: 16.8.2026 9:00






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A bicycle adventure race is calling...

Großglockner Hochalpenstraße

Are you ready ?

  • 2500 km, 52000 vm. Designed by Austrian adventure racer Tanja Hacker

  • unsupported or supported

  • start and finish in Graz, the home of Cycling in Austria

  • 16.8.2026 9:00

  2500 km, 52000 verticals, mixed terrain!


 New in 2026 a 800 km Entree for Rookies. Details coming December 2024!

Walder Alm

Austrian Extreme Bike Race  unsupported/supported

16.8.2026    9:00 Graz/Austria




Route details:


Route part 1 highlights: Südsteirische Weinstrasse, Soboth- St. Lorenzen, Koralpe, Weinebene, Hebalm, Gaberl Altes Almhaus, Salzstigel/Hirschegger Sattel ,Pack, Soboth- St. Lorenzen, Koralpe, Weinebene, Hebalm, Gaberl Altes Almhaus, Salzstigel/Hirschegger Sattel ,Pack.

Route part 2 highlights: Klippitztörl, the famous Nockbergen Hochalpenstrasse, Grossglockner Hochalpenstrasse with Kaiser Franz-Josefs-Höhe with its beautiful glacier, Hochtor, Fuscherl Törl, finishing at Edelweiss Spitze.

Route part 3 highlights: Großglockner Hochalpenstraße downhill, Hochkrimmel waterfalls, Gerlos Pass

Route part 4 highlights: Wildschönau, the Hochkönig climbs, Obertauern , Turracher Höhe and again Nockberge (a different direction.) Finishing at the picturesque Prebersee.

Route part 5 highlights: Salzkammergut with all the stunning lakes. Postalm, Sölkpass, Pyrnpass, Präbichl, Seeberg,the church in Mariazell.

Route part 6 highlights: Josefberg/Annaberg, the National Park Gesäuse,, Preiner Gescheid, Pfaffensattel, Wenigzell with the Toter Mann myth, Sommeralm, Rechberg, Teichalm, Schöckl. The last hill is Eidexberg.

Route part 7 highlights: Kühtai, Fernpass Gravel, Garmisch (Germany), Seefeld, Ganalm, Walder Alm & Hinterhornalm Gravel, Achensee, Steinberg  an  der Rofan Gravel

About the Race

The Austrian Extreme Bike Race is a single stage unsupported bike adventure race through the Austrian mountains and the lakes of Salzkammergut starting and finishing in Graz. A 2800 km mixed terrain race on paved roads with some gravel sections adding up to 57000 meters elevation gain. The route was designed by Austrian adventurer Tani (Tanja) Hacker and shows all the beauty and diversity the Austrian landscape has to offer, including some very special secret places with intresting background stories. This is a race for those who love being out there alone seeking for adventure as well as for those who love competition and racing fellow riders. This race is for the international cycling community. The Abenteuer and Bergsportklub Graz is proudly looking forward to hosting this event, offering a unique adventure for all those intrested in getting to know the Austrian mountains and it´s lifestyle. We are looking forward to seeing you here next summer in Graz, the home of cycling in Austria!  

Without a big adventure race there was definiately something missing here in Austria. All the beautiful mountains and lakes are a perfect playground for adventure racing. So i decided to organize the inaugural Austrian Extrme Bike Race. Here we go. Enjoy!


                       Tani (Tanja) Hacker

       About Tani (Tanja) Hacker


  •  Defeniately adventure addicted. not limited to bikes only. Favorite parallel universe are the alps in Austria and Italy.
  • Founder of a mountaineering sports club in Graz and the Austrian Extreme Bike Race.
  • Was the first one ever racing unsupported around Germany. Known for the TABR 18 extra adventure in Wisdom and double crossing Europe in Summer 2019 (NCT19 & TCRno7 back to back).TGBR 2020 for COVID 19 relief. TABR23 DNF (Sherman's Neck)


Wo die Berge hoch und die Täler schmal,

ist der Geist oft leicht und frei.

The Race


The Austrian Extreme Bike Race route has 2800 km and approximately 57000 vertical meters, desigend across the stunning Austrian mountains and picturesque lakes, starting and finsihing in the city of Graz. A fixed route will take riders to all significant climbs and hidden secret places. Some mixed terrain parts with gravel and dirt roads included, highlightening Ganalm in Tyrol, as close to the Karwendel peaks as we can possibly get. Be ready for climbs like Nockalm Hochalpenstraße, Großglockner, Klippitztörl, Sölkpass, Obertauern... But not only mountains are waiting, the race route will take riders to Salzkammergut, national parks and river valleys as well. 


The Race is open in two categories, supported and unsupported for solo or pair riders. The Unsupported category, respecting the rules of unsupported racing and the supported category, where riders are allowed to accept supplies and spares. No pacecars allowed.




The Rules


  1. Ride the whole route in a truely unsupported or supported way in the spirit of equal opportunity

  2. No third party supply (not valid for the supported category)

  3. No drafting (only pair riders are allowed with their partner)

  4. Riders must make themselves familiar with Austrian traffic law

  5. No littering

  6. Carry a charged mobile phone 

  7. No e- bikes

  8. Riders must be at the the finish before 30.8.24 23:59 to make into the general classification

  9. No Pacecar

                             Was wissen Träume schon von Grenzen ! 


Some treats coming here...


 Schedule & Registration



Halfway Point Wörgel

sponsored by tubolito


Schedule and cut off times: 


15..8..2026 Registration, bike check, race briefing and pre race dinner in Graz
16.8.2026 9:00 Start of the first rider of the 3rd Austrian Extreme Bike Race. individual starts due to Covid 19 restrictions (5 minutes between the riders)

16.08.2026 11.00 Mass Start Entree

24..8.2026 23:59 Cut off time halfway point Wörgel
30.8.2026 23:59 Cut off time finish in Graz
Registration and what you get for your money:


Registration is open for all cyclists,solo or pair, older than 18 from December 20224to early August 2026.(If trafel restrictions keep you from coming to Austria, you are in for one of the following years):


No Race Fee. 100 Euros for tracking and Race inscurance have to be paid when registration is finished.






What`s included:


  • Official gpx files of the race for your navigational devi

  • All race numbers and stickers for your bike, jersey and helmet (reflective for safer racing)
  • Bike box drop, bag drop at the registration. we keep one bag, box or case for you. You get your stuff back after crossing the finish line.
  • Live like a Queen/King before and after the race. Food and a place to rest and sleep after the race included. Zielschnapserl with the race organizers. i
  • Pre Race Schwammerl Dinner

Hall of Fame



Tanja Hacker 2020.      8 days 7 hours 53 minutes.   2537 km
Adam Bialek 2021.       6 days 19 hours 3 minutes    2458 km
Walter Reiterer 2021.   8 days 23 hours 58 minutes  2458 km
Antoine Gary 2021.      9 days 5 hours 34 minutes   2458 km
Ed Tapp 2021.              9 days 12 hours 42 miutes   2458 km





Mike Deuts 2024                     271 hrs 27 min    2700 km

Wolfgang Dieterle 2024         282 hrs 12 min.   2700 km


Results 2021:



1. Adam Bialek (Germany) 6 days 19 hours 3 minutes. Adam self regulated for riding the loop up Koralpe in the wrong direction. Minor mistake, same verticals and meters. 10 minutes penalty time.
.2. Walter Reiterer (Austria) 8 days 23 hours 58 minutes. Walter made a major and dangerous mistake at Schöckl, riding the gravel section in the wrong direction. 2 hours 10 minutes penalty time. Further Walter took a shortcut leaving out 120 vertical meters at Eidexberg (self regulated), 50 minutes penalty time.
3. Antoine Gary (France) 9 days 5 hours 34 minutes.
4. Ed Tapp (England) 9 days 12 hours 42 minutes.
5. Michael (Mike) Deuts (Austria) 1173 km.
6. Jürgen Mikusch (Austria) 370,4 km.
7. Hermann Dopfer (Germany) 241,61 km.
8. Norbert Taucher (Austria) 153,49km.


Adventure and Kindness Award 2021:
Norbert Taucher (Austria). Norbert joined the organizer´s team as a race official after ending his race early, keeping the racers safe on their final kilometers.



Contact/ Inquiry 2026:

Inquiry 2026 open December 2024. Adventurers interested in racing here may drop us a line with their best cycling stories (experience) and what your expectations are. We´d love hearing from you! 

Abenteuer und Bergsportklub Graz

Tanja Hacker


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Abenteuer und Bergsportklub Graz

Liebenauer Haupstraße 77

8041 Graz; Österreich

ZVR: 1411473961

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Blog. All the things. 

Welcome everyone to our frequently asked questions blog. We received some intresting questions about the race, the bikes and the roads.... if you are missing anything here, contacts us (


BIKE CHOICE. Do i need a gravel bike for my Austrian Extreme Bike Race? The answer is no. It is a road race with some gravel parts but on a gravel road you might be much slower. And what is more important for us as organizers, the route is bendy and switchback rich. gravel bikes have a longer chainstay and the weight balance is lower, it is not as fast reacting when it comes to fast cornering than a roadbike is. it is much more fun on a roadbike. when ypu already own a gravelbike and feel comfortbale and safe, ride on your gravel bike, but don´t buy one for this race. The key in this race is finding the right gear ratio, it is about riding lots of mountains back to back, 12- 28 is just wrong. you will be riding easy gravel uphill, so a 34 at least is much better (i.m okay with 34 but i live and ride here and i´m used to it) Tire width. 23mm and 25mm tires are not the perfect choice. on 28mm tires you won´t have any problems on the gravel sections.




GRAVELSECTIONS. All main mountain passes are paved except the last quarter of the Hirschegger pass, the Gaberl /Altes Almhaus Pass and the Schöckel Climb. The first 2 are unpaved open roads for everyone. Hirschegger pass was paved 70 years ago but not renewed and now is a gravel road. 3,5km up and than 3,5km down after the pass on gravel. Very easy and fun, only when it is raining hard, the gravel can be washed out very quickly. Same is true for Gaberl/Altes Almhuas climb. it is a side climb, we are avoiding here a truck company and very narrow roads on the main climb. Altes almhaus climb is at times relentlessly steep, last 150 verticals are easy gravel, the last swichtback is loose gravel where riders are asked to be careful. Altes Almhaus is very nice restaurant for hikers. the 5km downhill to the main pass is easy gravel. The Schöckl climb is paved until Schöckelkreuz, we are leaving the main road there and following the european mountainbike championships route for about 1km, only difficulty here is it is 14 percent steep for 50 meters. turning left we follow a easy gravel road for about 100 verticals. Turning right there is a paved road up to the top, the last 300 meters are gravel. From Stubenberghaus, top of the mountain we follow the paved road down to Schöcklkreuz again (the last 2k are not paved but very easy). Peter sagan was here for a race at Schöckl, did crash and call it a DNF. no worries we dont ride the dirfficult mountainibike trails but you can see them when going up. and no cars are allowed to ride fruther than Schöcklkreuz.

The smaller climbs have a bit more difficult gravel sections. It is part of the preperation for the race to find out where these are but we as organizers let you know the bit more difficullt ones. in Carinthia after a left turn we are leaving zhe main road dwon into a valley (before we get to the main road to Bad Kleinkirchheim). For abaout 500 meters the downhill is gravel with bit rougher rocks and stones. an unexperienced cyclist may walk his/her fully loaded bike here down the steep section. in the valley it is an easy very nice gravel road. Before the Nockalm Hochalpenstraße climb on your way to Turracher Höhe, there is a gravel climb to a small lake and downhill also. unexperienced rideers or on too narrow tires may walk here. The most difficult gravel road is the one between St. Katrein am Offenegg and Thörl. at the race briefing we will mention this climb again, to be sure nobody forgets to be focused and carefull here. it makes the hair standing at the back of your neck but is super fun to ride. but please make a note on your navigational device for this one. The climb is steep and paved, the descend is bendy, switchback ritch and loose gravel on the sides. very steep and remember cars are driving here too. near Wenigzell we are leaving the main road for the Toter Mann monument. After the restaurant and a right turn unexperienced or narrow tire riders may have to walk 300 meters on rough gravel, close  to the top the top it is getting easier and the downhill is very nice small gravel. the nicest gravel section is the one between Attersee and Traunsee. you have the road for yourself, no cars allowed here, finishing at beautiful Traunsee. Some shorter gravel sections with smal gravel are to be found on bikepaths in Tyrol, very easy, no cars and some springs with water on your way.




Hirschegger Sattel Top of the climb, Salzsteiglhaus. The route is coming from the right side going down this nice easy gravel road.



TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS. if for some reason it is not possible for you to come to Austria, your spot is safe and you are welcome to race in any other year. your adventure is going nowhere without you.


GRAZ. how do i get there? we do have an airport and excellent train connection to Vienna International Airport. ÖBB, the Austrian Railway company offers severl connections daily to Graz. Taking a bike with you is no problem here, ecouraged by the ÖBB and not expensive. they have a 24hours Customer service. if you prefer riding from Vienna to raz, i do share GPX files, either over Semering pass or flat thorugh the Hungarian town Sopron (very nice town). it is about 180 to 200k.


RACE AROUND AUSTRIA or AUSTRIAN EXTREME BIKE? what is the difference? The race around Austria follows the Austrian borders and is for supported riders with pace car only (2177km and 28000 verticals meters, paved roads). The Austrian Extrme Bike Race tries to include as many beautiful mountains, canyons and lakes as possible and does not follow the borders cause we think it is a limitation. We do include some mixed terrain roads to make racing safer and/or get us to great places worth seeing. we do not exclude supported riders from this race, but they are not allowed to have a pacecar. Both races are official races in Austria, as well as the shorter Glocknerman Austria. So it is Race around Austria a bit easier and supported, Austrian Extreme Bike Race for those looking for Adventure alone and Glocknerman short, supported with mountains.